ExpressCare by Affidea

Minor Injuries & Illnesses Walk-In Clinics


Current opening times for our ExpressCare Clinics:

This information is up to date as of 4th May 2024

Tallaght:  Open 10am-8pm Monday-Sunday.


Northwood: Open 10am-8pm Monday-Sunday.


Cork: Open 10am-8pm Monday-Sunday. 

*Please note: at peak times during the Winter Months, clinics can be busier than normal and waiting times may be a little longer. Our staff will work hard to ensure you are seen as soon as possible. Please be patient during these times.

Northwood & Tallaght - Dublin

The Elysian - Cork

ExpressCare by Affidea

Minor Injuries & Illnesses Walk-In Clinics

We recommend that for your own protection and the protection of others that you wear a facemask when visiting our clinics

          Current opening times for our ExpressCare Clinics:

Tallaght:  Open 10am-8pm Monday-Sunday.


Northwood: Open 10am-8pm Monday-Sunday.


Cork: Open 10am-8pm Monday-Sunday.

*Please note: at peak times during the Winter Months, clinics can be busier than normal and waiting times may be a little longer. Our staff will work hard to ensure you are seen as soon as possible. Please be patient during these times.

The Elysian - Cork

Northwood & Tallaght - Dublin

ExpressCare by Affidea

Minor Injuries & Illnesses Walk-In Clinics

Current opening times for our ExpressCare Clinics:

Tallaght:  Open 10am-8pm Monday-Sunday.


Northwood: Open 10am-8pm Monday-Sunday.


       Cork: Open 10am-8pm Monday-Sunday.

*Please note: at peak times during the Winter Months, clinics can be busier that normal and waiting times may be a little longer. Our staff will work hard to ensure you are seen as soon as possible. Please be patient during these times.

The Elysian - Cork

Northwood & Tallaght

We Treat
Upper Limb Injuries

(fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains, swelling, soft tissue injuries, joint & muscular pain)

Shoulder, collar bone, upper arm, elbow, wrist, thumb & fingers


Minor burns & scalds, animal & insect bites, removal of foreign bodies from ears & nose, ear wax removal / syringing(Age 16+ years only), fever, infection, rash or skin infections, sore throat, eye & ear problems, mild allergic reactions, mild nose bleeds & mild headaches, to name a few

Lower Limb Injuries

(fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains, swelling, soft tissue injuries, joint & muscular pain)

Lower leg, knee, ankle, foot, toes, muscle strains, fractures & foot pain

Wound Care | Cleaning | Stitching | Dressing

Wounds & Infections

Cuts, lacerations & skin tears

RAPID ACCESS WOUND CARE CLINIC: Specialised Care for your wound care needs (Only at ExpressCare Cork, The Elysian)  Read More→

Minor Head Injuries

Conscious patients who did not experience loss of consciousness, amnesia, vomiting or limb weakness after the head injury & have no change in mobility

Facial injuries, ear injuries, nasal trauma & mouth problems

Chest Injuries

Minor chest injuries

We Treat
Upper Limb Injuries

(fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains, swelling, soft tissue injuries, joint & muscular pain)

Shoulder, collar bone, upper arm, elbow, wrist, thumb & fingers


Minor burns & scalds, animal & insect bites, removal of foreign bodies from ears & nose, ear wax removal / syringing(Age 16+ years only), fever, infection, rash or skin infections, sore throat, eye & ear problems, mild allergic reactions, mild nose bleeds & mild headaches, to name a few

Lower Limb Injuries

(fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains, swelling, soft tissue injuries, joint & muscular pain)

Lower leg, knee, ankle, foot, toes, muscle strains, fractures & foot pain

Wound Care | Cleaning | Stitching | Dressing

Wounds & Infections

Cuts, lacerations & skin tears

RAPID ACCESS WOUND CARE CLINIC: Specialised Care for your wound care needs (Only at ExpressCare Cork, The Elysian)

Minor Head Injuries

Conscious patients who did not experience loss of consciousness, amnesia, vomiting or limb weakness after the head injury & have no change in mobility

Facial injuries, ear injuries, nasal trauma & mouth problems

Chest Injuries

Minor chest injuries

We Don't Treat
Adults With:

Children With:

Chest pain
Severe shortness of breath
Abdominal pain
Pregnancy related illness
Gynaecology complaints
Non-traumatic limp or non-use of a limb
Medical illness – i.e. seizures or respiratory symptoms
Injuries following a fall from a height or a road traffic accident
Serious head injuries
Abdominal or chest pain
Breathing difficulties
Gynaecological problems
Injuries due to self-harm or inflicted by others
Neck or back pain
Ear wax removal/syringing
We Don't Treat
Adults With:

Chest pain
Severe shortness of breath
Abdominal pain
Pregnancy related illness
Gynaecology complaints
Children With:

Non-traumatic limp or non-use of a limb
Medical illness- i.e. seizures or respiratory symptoms
Injuries following a fall from a height or a road traffic accident
Serious head injuries
Abdominal or chest pain
Breathing difficulties
Gynaecological problems
Injuries due to self-harm or inflicted by others
Neck or back pain
Ear wax removal / syringing
For ExpressCare please call: Tallaght 01 462 2140, Northwood 01 866 9807, Cork 021 496 6162
Leaders in diagnostic imaging & outpatient services
Affidea Ireland is part of Affidea International

ExpressCare’s aim is to provide outstanding patient alternatives for minor injuries and associated services, which should not need to take place in a traditional, highly pressurised hospital setting.

ExpressCare provides patients with an alternative to busy Emergency Departments and significantly benefits the health system, freeing up capacity for those most in need of care.

Highly experienced team
Physicians provide outstanding medical care for minor injuries without an appointment instead of attending a busy hospital Emergency Department
Professional care
We aim to see all patients within an hour
Open to everyone
Children from 1 year can attend
Added unique benefit
ExpressCare offers immediate access to Affidea’s full suite of diagnostic services – X-ray, MRI, Ultrasound & CT scans – within one clinic, dependent on location
Available to all
All services available on a fee basis or, alternatively for patients with private health insurance with Laya Healthcare & Irish Life Health, ExpressCare is a covered benefit, dependent on your plan
Additional services
*Adult & paediatric fracture clinics

Please note: We no longer accept cash or cheques in our centres. We ask that any payments be made by Debit or Credit Card. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Please note: We no longer accept cash or cheques in our centres. We ask that any payments be made by Debit or Credit Card. Apologies for the inconvenience.

1. Initial Consultation €160 2. Follow-up consultation €85 3. X-ray €110
4. Stitching €65 5. Full cast €65 6. Crutches (pair) €40 7. Boot immobiliser €70

There is nothing more important than health

Insurance partners
The foundation upon which Affidea has been built is trust. Both doctors and patients know that we strive to provide the best standard of care, delivered by the best professionals with the most modern technologies. Patients trust and rely on doctors. Doctors trust and rely on us.
What’s Affidea’s secret to transforming the standards of healthcare service provision? Our people. Healthcare professionals that know what they are doing and care about what they do. They make us who we are today. And who we want to be tomorrow.
We implement the highest standards and procedures to ensure safety. Affidea is committed to becoming the first European diagnostic provider to shape a new paradigm in patient safety by introducing a company wide Dose Excellence Programme ensuring the right balance between dose and image quality.
Affidea has an extensive network of international affiliations with the world’s top medical institutions to ensure that our doctors always have immediate access to the latest medical knowledge, clinical guidelines and medical procedures in all Affidea medical centres in order to ensure the highest quality diagnostics and cancer treatment.
We know that hospitality is important.  We care about how you feel and want to make each visit  to an Affidea centre as comfortable as we can.  An exceptional patient experience is ensured by delivering a personalised service in modern and comfortable service settings where you feel safe and confident that you are receiving the highest quality medical care.
We develop and exchange best practice. Patients deserve to know what we do, how we do it and why we do it. The continuous improvement of all Affidea care delivery processes is achieved by capitalising on the company’s extensive experience in 14 European countries and an organised effort to share best practice to improve patient safety and patient experience.
Technology has done more for health today than it has ever done and will do even more in the future. Affidea is committed to operating a best in class medical equipment base and maintain it’s long standing relations with major equipment producers to ensure our patients will always have access to the latest, most innovative and effective technology.